Mount Washington Valley Promotions
Wags N’ Wiggles Puppy Pageant
Attention dog owners… with puppies who love to dress up and entertain!
We are excited to announce a fun, pet friendly fund-raising event for Mount Washington Valley Promotions and our member organizations! The Wags N’ Wiggles Puppy Pageant will take place at The Fields of Attitash on Saturday, July 21, 2012. This is the perfect event for dog owners who want to visit with pet related vendors, pet rescues and local non-profit organizations while also enjoying some fun and unique entertainment!
Date: Saturday, July 21, 2012
Time: 11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Location: The Fields of Attitash - Bartlett
Cost: $50.00 per dog
The registration fee may be paid by the owner, a sponsor or a group of friends/family. Names will be listed under the puppy’s photo in the program!!
MVP Sports Wear
Haute Dog Formal Wear
Wig Wag Masquerade
Take a Bow Wow Talent
Woof N’ Wag Overall Winner
Three size categories: Small - Medium - Large
This inaugural event is limited to the first 40 dogs to register. They must be well mannered and play well with other dogs.
All participants will receive a “Doggie Bag” with items donated by local businesses.
Winners will be selected by the public in each of the categories so make sure all of your puppy’s friends come to support the cause.
Sponsor Space is still Available!!