Volunteers raise
more than $75,000 at American Cancer Society's
Making Strides
Against Breast Cancer North Conway Walk
More than 450 volunteers collected
more than $75,000 at the American Cancer Society's Making Strides
Against Breast Cancer event on Sunday in North Conway, helping the Society
to create a world with less breast cancer and more birthdays. Eight
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks were held across New Hampshire
on Sunday, drawing together thousands of people in the fight against
breast cancer.
"The volunteers who joined
us in Making Strides will save the lives of many mothers, daughters
and sisters," said Kathy Metz, Community Executive, American Cancer
Society. "Thanks to their support, we'll provide more mammograms,
continue to offer strong support programs for breast cancer patients,
and build upon the $352 million that we've already invested into cutting-edge
research on the disease. The American Cancer Society has spent more
on breast cancer research than any other non-governmental organization."
Making Strides was an inspirational,
uplifting 3.5-mile walk through North Conway. Teams of walkers collected
pledges for weeks before turning them in at the event. Volunteers can
still send in outstanding pledges and even ask new friends to give through
the event's Web site at www.cancer.org/stridesonline. Walkers are
also encouraged to ask their employers about matching gifts.
The top fundraising team was
Bartenders for Better Oncological Options for Breast Care Services,
raising over $9,580, second highest team was Team Kathleen at $7,195.00
and the third highest fundraising team was Lakeside Pines, raising $4,278.00.
The highest individual fundraiser on a team was Lisa BB Brunelle raising
$3,202.00. The highest fundraiser among the individual walkers
was Pam Hale raising $1,002.00. More than 38 teams and 60 individual
walkers participated. The teams represented area businesses,
clubs, and organizations as well as friends and families.
Making Strides Against Breast
Cancer was sponsored by Settlers' Green Outlet Village, Grant's
Supermarket, Magic 104 FM, Memorial Hospital, Time Warner, WPKQ
103.7 FM, WMWV 93.5, Flatbread Company, Gamwell, Caputo, Siek &
Co, CPA's, Minuteman Press, North Country Dental, Northway Bank, The
Echo Group, Outside TV16, Glass Graphics, Valley Originals and Statewide
Media Sponsor WMUR-TV.
If you would like more information
on Making Strides Against Breast Cancer in North Conway call Kathy Metz
at American Cancer Society at 603-356-3719 or Kathy.metz@cancer.org about other American Cancer Society
breast cancer programs, call 1-800-227-2345 or visit www.cancer.org/stridesonline.
The American Cancer Society
saves lives and creates more birthdays by helping you stay well, helping
you get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back. For more information
anytime, call toll free 800-227-2345 or visit cancer.org.