We, at Valley Promotions, are excited to announce our 4th annual Meet the Non-Profits Fair to be held on Sunday, October 28 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Grand Summit Hotel & Conference Center in Bartlett. The response to last year’s event was fabulous and we are looking forward to a bigger and better Fair this year!
The intent of this non-profit fair is:
* to offer networking opportunities to the local non-profit organizations
* to introduce organizations to businesses who work with non-profits
* to offer round table discussion opportunities to participants
* to inform the public about the various organizations and the services they offer
* to recruit volunteers for the organizations
Six foot tables are available for only $45.00 ($40.00 for member organizations and $75.00 for businesses) and may be set up with any type of display the organization deems fitting. It may be used for pamphlets and other literature, selling raffle tickets or other fund-raising items. We encourage you to be creative and get your table noticed!! Power is available throughout the area.
We will also have several guest speakers who will items of importance to non-profits! Using feedback from last year’s event, we have scheduled them to speak before lunch is served, from 11:00 am until 12:00 noon, followed again by round table discussions and networking.
Included in the participation fee is a morning coffee station and a light lunch for 1 representative per organization. The lunch includes a sandwich, chips and bottle of water. Additional lunches may be ordered for $9.00 per person. There will also be time for the organization representatives to mingle and network at a round-table discussion before the public is welcome at 1:00 pm.
As an incentive for people to visit each table, we will again hold a “scavenger hunt” raffle, where they must have a form stamped by the various representatives in order to win a BIG prize!
If your organization wishes to participate, please fill out and return the attached paperwork by October 10, 2012. If you have additional questions, don’t hesitate to ask. We look forward to working with you on this exciting event.
Lisa Saunders-DuFault