You must purchase a ?plop ticket? in order to play. 150 ?plop tickets? will be available for purchase. Each ?plop ticket? will be sold for $10. Each ?plop ticket? will be assigned a number which corresponds to the numbers on the field. No participant will be permitted on the ?plop field?. If the animal ?plops? in a single block, the winner will receive $500.00. The "Plop Bingo" will begin at 12:00 noon. If the animal ?plops? in an adjoining corner or on a line, the winnings will be split accordingly as determined by the judges. If the animal is unable to ?plop? or if it ?plops? on an unsold block or if the events are canceled due to inclement weather, a drawings will take place to determine the winner. Ticket holders do not need to be present to win. The winners are liable for all taxes. Proceeds of the event benefit Mount Washington Valley Promotions.
For available numbers, call Lisa DuFault at (603) 374-6241